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Rake Tasks

Public Instance Methods

:diff_rubinius click to toggle source

Diffs Rubinius HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RDoc.

task :diff_rubinius do
  sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/rdoc #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/rdoc.rb; true"
  sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/ri #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/ri.rb; true"
  sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rdoc.rb #{rubinius_dir}/lib/rdoc.rb; true"
  sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rdoc #{rubinius_dir}/lib/rdoc; true"
  sh "diff #{diff_options} test #{rubinius_dir}/test/rdoc; true"
:diff_ruby click to toggle source

Diffs Ruby HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RDoc.

task :diff_ruby do
  options = "-urpN --exclude '*svn*' --exclude '*swp' --exclude '*rbc'"

  sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/rdoc #{ruby_dir}/bin/rdoc; true"
  sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/ri #{ruby_dir}/bin/ri; true"
  sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rdoc.rb #{ruby_dir}/lib/rdoc.rb; true"
  sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rdoc #{ruby_dir}/lib/rdoc; true"
  sh "diff #{diff_options} test #{ruby_dir}/test/rdoc; true"
:update_rubinius click to toggle source

Updates Rubinius HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RDoc.

task :update_rubinius do
  sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/rdoc #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/rdoc.rb"
  sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/ri #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/ri.rb"
  sh "rsync #{rsync_options} lib/ #{rubinius_dir}/lib"
  sh "rsync #{rsync_options} test/ #{rubinius_dir}/test/rdoc"
:update_ruby click to toggle source

Updates Ruby HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RDoc.

task :update_ruby do
  sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/rdoc #{ruby_dir}/bin/rdoc"
  sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/ri #{ruby_dir}/bin/ri"
  sh "rsync #{rsync_options} lib/ #{ruby_dir}/lib"
  sh "rsync #{rsync_options} test/ #{ruby_dir}/test/rdoc"


Generated with the Darkfish Rdoc Generator 2.