Tier 1
gem install hoe
Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It helps you manage and maintain, and release your project and includes a dynamic plug-in system allowing for easy extensibility. Hoe ships with plug-ins for all your usual project tasks including rdoc generation, testing, packaging, and deployment.
gem install hoe-seattlerb
Hoe plugins providing tasks used by seattle.rb including minitest, perforce, and email providing full front-to-back release/annouce automation.
Tier 2
gem install autotest-rails
This is an autotest plugin to provide rails support. It provides basic rails support and extra plugins for migrations and fixtures.
gem install minitest
minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking.
gem install minitest_tu_shim
minitest_tu_shim bridges the gap between the small and fast minitest and ruby's huge and slow test/unit.
gem install ZenTest
ZenTest provides 4 different tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby.
Tier 3
gem install RubyInline
Inline allows you to write foreign code within your ruby code. It automatically determines if the code in question has changed and builds it only when necessary. The extensions are then automatically loaded into the class/module that defines it.
gem install sexp_processor
sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools with it. Sexp, SexpProcessor, Environment, etc... all for your language processing pleasure.
Tier 4
gem install event_hook
Wraps rb_add_event_hook so you can write fast ruby event hook processors w/o the speed penalty that comes with set_trace_func (sooo sloooow!). Calls back into ruby so you don't have to write C.
gem install ParseTree
ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby's arrays, strings, symbols, and integers.
gem install rake-remote_task
Vlad the Deployer's sexy brainchild is rake-remote_task, extending Rake with remote task goodness.
gem install ruby2ruby
ruby2ruby provides a means of generating pure ruby code easily from RubyParser compatible Sexps. This makes making dynamic language processors in ruby easier than ever!
gem install ruby_parser
ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use a C extension). RP's output is the same as ParseTree's output: s-expressions using ruby's arrays and base types.
Tier 5
gem install flay
Flay analyzes code for structural similarities. Differences in literal values, variable, class, method names, whitespace, programming style, braces vs do/end, etc are all ignored. Making this totally rad.
gem install flog
Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report. The higher the score, the more pain the code is in.
gem install gauntlet
Gauntlet is a pluggable means of running code against all the latest gems and storing off the data.
gem install heckle
Heckle is unit test sadism(tm) at it's core. Heckle is a mutation tester. It modifies your code and runs your tests to make sure they fail. The idea is that if code can be changed and your tests don't notice, either that code isn't being covered or it doesn't do anything.
gem install vlad
Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much like Capistrano, but with 1/10th the complexity. Vlad integrates seamlessly with Rake, and uses familiar and standard tools like ssh and rsync.
Tier 6
gem install ruby_to_c
ruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works.
gem install wilson
Wilson is a pure ruby x86 assembler. No, really. Worst Idea Evar.
gem install zenprofile
zenprofiler helps answer WHAT is being called the most. spy_on helps answer WHERE those calls are being made. ZenProfiler provides a faster version of the standard library ruby profiler. It is otherwise pretty much the same as before. spy_on provides a clean way to redefine a bottleneck method so you can account for and aggregate all the calls to it.
Tier 7
gem install image_science
ImageScience is a clean and happy Ruby library that generates thumbnails -- and kicks the living crap out of RMagick. Oh, and it doesn't leak memory like a sieve. :)
gem install png
PNG is an almost-pure-ruby PNG library. It lets you write a PNG without any C libraries.
Tier 8
gem install UPnP-ConnectionManager
Stub implementation for a UPnP ConnectionManager service. Currently has no implementation. Works great for a PlayStation 3.
gem install UPnP-MediaServer
A UPnP MediaServer. Currently a work in progress. Only tested on a PlayStation 3.
Tier 9
gem install production_log_analyzer
production_log_analyzer lets you find out which actions on a Rails site are slowing you down.
gem install rails_analyzer_tools
Rails Analyzer Tools contains Bench, a simple web page benchmarker, Crawler, a tool for beating up on web sites, RailsStat, a tool for monitoring Rails web sites, and IOTail, a tail(1) method for Ruby IOs.
Tier 10
gem install graph
Graph is a type of hash that outputs in graphviz's dot format. It comes with a command-line interface that is easily pluggable.
Tier 11
gem install ar_mailer
ar_mailer is a two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailer. Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer allows you to store messages into the database for later delivery by a separate process, ar_sendmail.
gem install autotest
This is a stub gem to fix the confusion caused by autotest being part of the ZenTest suite.
gem install autotest-screen
Update Gnu Screen caption with autotest results.
gem install bfts
BFTS is a branch of rubicon with the intent of auditing all of rubicon against the latest version of 1.8.x, stripping all the cruft, and getting everything up to date again. rubicon is dead and the authors have shown no interest in getting things moving again. BFTS hopes to fix that.
gem install box_layout
Allows you to lay out HTML using ASCII art. Stolen from psykotic's code posted to reddit: http://programming.reddit.com/info/k9dx/comments == SYNOPSIS: require 'box_layout' page_template = <<-END ---------- | | ---------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---------- | | ---------- END layout = BoxLayout.html page_template puts "<title>cute</title>" puts "<style>* { border: 1px solid black }</style>" puts layout % %w[header left body right footer].map {|s| "**#{s}**" } == REQUIREMENTS:
gem install cached_model
CachedModel caches simple (by id) finds in memcached reducing the amount of work the database needs to perform for simple queries.
gem install change_class
Lets you set the class of an object. Use at your own risk.
gem install drawr
== DESCRIPTION: This is a ruby wrapper around Plotr with a similar API to Gruff. You can create graphs with a similar interface to Gruff, but offload the rendering to the browser! == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Needs more tests! == SYNOPSIS: An example in rails. Your controller: class GraphController < ApplicationController def index @drawr = Drawr::Pie.new @drawr.title = "Twan" @drawr.data("One", [1]) @drawr.data('Two', [2]) @drawr.data('Three', [2]) @drawr.data('Four', [10]) @drawr.data('Five', [6]) end end Your view: <html> <head> <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'excanvas' %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'Plotr' %> </head> <body> <%= @drawr %> </body> </html>
gem install firebrigade_api
http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/firebrigade_api == DESCRIPTION An API wrapper for http://firebrigade.seattlerb.org == FEATURES/PROBLEMS
gem install IMAPCleanse
IMAPCleanse removes old, read, unflagged messages from your IMAP mailboxes so you don't have to! IMAPFlag flags messages I find interesting so I don't have to!
gem install mem_inspect
mem_inspect walks Ruby's heaps giving you the contents of each slot. mem_inspect also includes viewers that will let you visualize the contents of Ruby's heap.
gem install minitest-macruby
minitest-macruby provides extensions to minitest for macruby UI testing. It provides a framework to test GUI apps in a live instance. Documentation and examples are light at the moment as I've just thrown this together. Suggestions for extensions are very welcome!
gem install omnifocus
Synchronizes bug tracking systems to omnifocus.
gem install omnifocus-bugzilla
Plugin for omnifocus gem to provide bugzilla BTS synchronization.
gem install omnifocus-github
Plugin for omnifocus gem to provide github BTS synchronization.
gem install omnifocus-redmine
Plugin for the omnifocus gem to provide synchronization with Redmine Issues.
gem install omnifocus-rt
Plugin for omnifocus gem to provide rt BTS synchronization.
gem install omnifocus-rubyforge
Plugin for omnifocus gem to provide rubyforge BTS synchronization.
gem install orca_card
Dumps information about your ORCA card. ORCA cards are Western Washington's all-in-one transit smart card that allow travel via bus, train and ferry throughout King, Kitsap, Snohomish and Pierce counties.
gem install os
The OS gem allows for some useful and easy functions, like OS.windows? (=> true or false) OS.bits ( => 32 or 64) etc"
gem install osx_keychain
Provides API and a command line tool to Access the OS X Keychain. The command line tool isn't actually useful (use `security` instead), but demonstrates the usage quite well.
gem install rbayes
An bayesian filter fed by a tokenizer that throws crap out you'd find in emails. Originally by Dan Peterson
gem install rdoc_osx_dictionary
rdoc via Apple's Dictionary.app. Automatically builds and installs an Apple Dictionary with all rdoc nicely formatted.
gem install RingyDingy
RingyDingy automatically re-registers your DRb service with a RingServer should communication with the RingServer stop.
gem install rubygems-checkcert
Gem command to display the certificate of a gem, if any.
gem install rubygems-isit19
Lets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on 1.9. Uses http://isitruby19.com as its datastore. Be sure to update the website with your experiences!
gem install rubygems-sandbox
The sandbox plugin for rubygems helps you manage your command-line tools and their dependencies. Sandboxed gems are installed in their own private rubygem repositories with all of their dependencies. This means that you don't have to have a rat's nest of gems in your global repository in order to run popular command-tools like rdoc, flog, flay, rcov, etc.
gem install rubygems-sing
"Sings" a gem's implementation.
gem install smtp_tls
Provides SMTP STARTTLS support for Ruby 1.8.6 (built-in for 1.8.7+). Simply require 'smtp_tls' and use the Net::SMTP#enable_starttls method to talk to servers that use STARTTLS.
gem install SuperCaller
SuperCaller adds a beefed-up version of Kernel#caller and a beefed up version of Exception#backtrace.
gem install SyslogLogger
SyslogLogger is a Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a few caveats.
gem install tinderbox
http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/tinderbox == DESCRIPTION: Tinderbox tests projects and tries to make them break by running them on as many different platforms as possible. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS:
gem install un
un provides unextend and uninclude to allow for a better prototype-oriented programming experience.
gem install UPnP-IGD
A UPnP extension for Internet Gateway Devices
gem install vlad-perforce
Vlad plugin providing perforce support. This was previously available in vlad but all extra modules outside of the core recipe have been removed.
gem install yoda
Spec yoda will, and spec you shall too.
gem install ZenHacks
This package is not supported in the same sense that my other packages are, but since it is such a fun playground, I am very open to contributions, suggestions, and bug fixes. I just can't put this project at the top of my priority list the way I can/do the others, so it may take me longer to get to than normal.