3.14.2 / 2025-03-11¶ ↑
2 bug fixes:
Fix for windows builds. (fenrir-naru)
Ruby 3.4: Fixed breakage from ruby 3.4 call stack changes.
3.14.1 / 2024-06-23¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Fix errors created when string literals are frozen.
3.14.0 / 2023-06-28¶ ↑
3 minor enhancements:
to write the content and return renamed path. -
Dropped inline ancient options processing code. 2005, yo.
Preemptively require language extension if not defined yet.
1 bug fix:
Declare Init_* to be (void) to prevent some compilers from complaining.
3.13.0 / 2023-01-31¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement:
Error out if current ruby isn’t configured for ENABLE_SHARED.
1 bug fix:
Clean up examples. C++ warns about ANYARGS deprecation. Gonna have to sit with it for now.
3.12.6 / 2022-05-23¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Removed rubinius support. LOL.
3.12.5 / 2019-10-08¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Fixed a race condition between testing for file existance and renaming. (spjsschl)
3.12.4 / 2015-04-14¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Fixed arch header directoy with Ruby >= 2.0. (aurelj)
3.12.3 / 2014-04-29¶ ↑
3 bug fixes:
Fixed code/home urls in readme/gem.
Fixed linker error on clang+freebsd10+rbenv.
Removed old hack for osx 10.5
3.12.2 / 2013-04-18¶ ↑
2 minor enhancements:
Added prefix code to MD5 calculation to force rebuilds on non-signature changes.
Separated out prefix code from src.
3.12.1 / 2013-02-14¶ ↑
2 bug fixes:
Fixes for maglev to find headers in the correct location.
Fixes for tests, mostly for maglev.
3.12.0 / 2012-12-18¶ ↑
1 major enhancement:
map_ruby_const prefixes c-vars with ‘c’ (eg Name -> cName).
1 minor enhancement:
Added add_id to make interning symbols in C clean and easy
3.11.4 / 2012-11-23¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement:
Improve windows compatibility (MinGW). (luislavena)
3.11.3 / 2012-07-05¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Fixes for non-mingw windoze builds. (imperator)
3.11.2 / 2012-02-22¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Added terrible hack to fix mingw’s embedded make macros in rbconfig. (rdp)
3.11.1 / 2012-01-25¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Use Ruby’s LDFLAGS config variable. (maharg)
3.11.0 / 2011-09-27¶ ↑
1 major enhancement:
Removed Module#options
3.10.1 / 2011-09-13¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Fix crap_for_windoze to use RbConfig for RUBY_SO_NAME. (jasonrickman)
3.10.0 / 2011-08-30¶ ↑
2 minor enhancements:
Added engined/versioned subdir to .ruby_inline to help with multiple-ruby usage. (valodzka)
Extended file/module naming to avoid hash collisions. (apohllo)
2 bug fixes:
Fixed examples for 1.9 compatibility.
Use RbConfig instead of Config. (apohllo)
3.9.0 / 2011-02-18¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement:
Added arity override option for all C builder methods.
3.8.6 / 2010-09-03¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Had to fix the ZenTest dependency to work with the whole 4.x series
3.8.5 / 2010-09-01¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Added DLDFLAGS to compiler flags to fix OSX linking on 1.9.2
3.8.4 / 2009-12-09¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
Clean up example.rb and force removal of ~/.ruby_inline
3.8.3 / 2009-08-07¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement:
to make consts cleaner
3.8.2 / 2009-06-23¶ ↑
1 bug fix:
ruby 1.9 expands __FILE__ and broke my tests
3.8.1 / 2008-10-24¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement
registers all classes for hoe’s INLINE=1 packaging feature.
3.8.0 / 2008-10-22¶ ↑
8 minor enhancements:
now uses ZenTestMapping to automatically map C functions to ruby names. -
can now map to a ruby constant name. -
Added accessors for members of Data_Wrap_Structs. See
. -
Added long long, unsigned long long, off_t types to built-in type map.
Added alias_type_converter and remove_type_converter.
Consider MinGW (mingw) as valid Windows platform.
Properly fallback to all the environment options under Windows. #22511.
Properly join path under OS with drive letters. #22292.
1 bug fixes:
now uses rb_define_alloc_func().
3.7.0 / 2008-06-09¶ ↑
1 major enhancements:
Removed inline_package in favor of hoe’s packaging.
2 minor enhancements:
Switched from warn/exit to abort to fix buffering for error messages.
Improved some error messages.
2 bug fixes:
Fixes for rubinius.
Fixes for 1.9.
3.6.7 / 2008-03-20¶ ↑
3 minor enhancements:
Added ability to work entirely without .ruby_inline dir. Thanks Kevin Clark!
Updated history, readme, and rakefile for new hoe abilities.
Cleaned up some really ugly schlock. Man, compiling sucks!
2 bug fixes:
Fixes for 1.9.
Add -I for platform-specific header dir (for ruby/config.h).
3.6.6 / 2007-12-27¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement:
Enhanced windows support thanks to Luis Lavena.
3.6.5 / 2007-11-08¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement:
Quick fix for OSX 10.5 native ruby (should be fixed in 10.5.2).
3.6.4 / 2007-08-20¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement:
Added ability to include ruby.h last. Thanks to Luc Heinrich.
3.6.3 / 2007-04-27¶ ↑
7 minor enhancements:
Added map_ruby_const and map_c_const to C builder.
Converted example.rb to a real benchmark setup.
Improved error messages.
Added options hash for all C builder methods.
Options hash can take optional :method_name param to have ruby name diff from c.
Converted to a more traditional setup. Now I can heckle!
Cleaned up ruby.h search.
2 bug fixes:
Added CCDLFLAGS. Should pick up -fPIC on misconfigured 64 bit machines.
Broke up all warnings so progress report was cleaner.
3.6.2 / 2006-10-12¶ ↑
2 bug fixes:
comment stripper much more sane to fix problems on certain linux distros
fixed a nit with older C compilers.
3.6.1 / 2006-10-11¶ ↑
1 minor enhancement
Hoe’d the Rakefile. :P
2 bug fixes
Removed VALUE from @types because it is now in @@type_map.
Tweak added for mingw32.
3.6.0 / 2005-11-30 (omg I suck: actual release: 2006-09-15)¶ ↑
6 minor enhancements
C builder can now be used directly for other foreign language glue.
Pretty much all © functions are plain argument style, not argc/argv.
Added Nathaniel and Dan’s patches for windows support.
Added VALUE as a default known type.
Improved testing under $DEBUG.
Deprecated $INLINE_FLAGS and $INLINE_LIBS are dead.
3 bug fixes
Fixed a number of issues wrt testing.
Cleaned up and cached certain calculations.
Some windows compiler fixes went in, but MS compiler is a PITA still.
3.5.0 / 2005-10-15¶ ↑
4 minor enhancements
Switched to install for Makefile.
Lots of minor cleanup.
Added add_to_init to extend init methods. Great hack!
Added 2 demo files used in the rubyconf 2005 presentation.
1 bug fix
Fixed example in README.txt. OOPS!
3.4.0 / 2005-07-13¶ ↑
2 minor enhancement
Changed inline to take the language and a hash of options.
Still backwards compatible, for now, and emits a warning.
Options are available via the builder passed to your block.
2 bug fixes
Modified caller discovery, yet again, due to changes in ruby 1.8.3.
More compatible and clean with non-gems systems.
3.3.2 / 2005-05-19¶ ↑
4 bug fixes
Fixed a line number issue when using c_raw w/ multi-line signatures.
can now be invoked multiple times per class. -
Filled out rdoc.
Fixed some old tests.
3.3.1 / 2005-05-03¶ ↑
3 bug fixes
Fixed a bug w/ unit tests involving caching of rootdir.
Added a minor tweak to the file discovery when called through eval.
Moved the packaging code into inline.rb in order to get rubygems wrapped scripts to work again (wrapper was breaking due to __FILE__ != $0).
3.3.0 / 2005-04-22¶ ↑
2 minor enhancement
Added inline_package, which helps you package inlined code into gems.
inline_package also generates a Rakefile for you if you need it.
inline.rb now (only) loads packaged code when present.
3.2.1 / 2005-04-19¶ ↑
2 bug fixes
Added double to typemap. Thanks Phil Tomson!
Added a minor hack to get cygwin to work right–lemme know pls.
3.2.0 / 2004-11-27¶ ↑
8 minor enhancements
Added line preprocessor directives to make debugging inside your ruby file practical.
Added uninstall rule to Makefile
now generates classes directly instead of included modules. -
Better execeptions are thrown on error.
Incorporated a bunch of changes from Jonathan Paisley:
Generation of inline’d class methods. (c_singleton and c_raw_singleton)
Fixed problems with nested module/classes.
can now extend the same class multiple times.
2 bug fixes
Smarter require/instantiation to accomodate other languages better.
Fixed a logic error where running good code, then bad, then bad again ran the original good code.
3.1.0 / 2004-09-24¶ ↑
2 minor enhancement
Extended API of
with prefix(code). -
Documented all public API.
2 bug fixes
Cleaned a lot of code and tests.
Removed nearly all tags.
3.0.1 / 2004-02-24¶ ↑
2 bug fixes
I let references to ZenTestUnit slip through the release. Removed.
Converted History.txt to ZenWeb format.
3.0.0 / 2003-12-23¶ ↑
3 major enhancements
Complete rewrite with new design.
Multiple language support, works with C/C++ out of the box.
Multiple functions per compilation unit, now allowing entire classes to be defined and linked in one unit.
I still need to write much better/complete documentation.
2.2.0 / 2003-01-25¶ ↑
1 minor enhancements
Touch all generated files to avoid unnecessary diffs.
1 bug fixes
Added good profiling example in tutorial/*.
Added profiling strategy in README.txt.
Paired with Doug Beaver <snarly@beaver.net>
2.1.1 / 2002-12-27¶ ↑
2 bug fixes
Fixed a bug in inline.rb where it was comparing against inline.rb, not the caller.
Tweaked example.rb to take the number of iterations as an option.
2.1.0 / 2002-12-17¶ ↑
2 minor enhancements
Added inline_c_raw to replace Inline.inline.
Removed module
as a whole. This gets rid of some -
major version incompatibilities, tons of duplicate code, and
just seems to make things happier.
4 bug fixes
Added a fix from Michael Scholz to fix the use of $0 for file test.
Added private and public declarations since we are invading
. -
Fixed tests… oops!
Lots of clean up…
Reviewed by Doug Beaver <snarly@beaver.net>
2.0.0 / 2002-12-12¶ ↑
2 bug fixes
Minor fix to get working on MacOS X (.so vs .bundle).
Downgraded typemap to be compatible with 1.6.x.
Paired w/ Doug Beaver <snarly@beaver.net>
2.0.0 beta / 2002-11-22¶ ↑
1 major enhancements
Added inline_c, a “compile-time” version of inline. Massively enhanced, this version has a limited form of C function parsing.
2 minor enhancements
Deprecated Inline#inline for Module#inline_c. To be removed by 2.1.0.
Extended example.rb to include a fully written inlined C function.
3 bug fixes
Updated README.txt and improved some of the documentation.
Added test and clean rules to Makefile.
Removed the copious warnings if running ruby < 1.7.2.
Paired w/ Doug Beaver <snarly@beaver.net>
1.1.0 / 2002-11-01¶ ↑
2 minor enhancements
Aliased methods are now inlined as well. 250x faster.
ONLY on ruby 1.7*. Warns on ruby < 1.7.
Added a makefile to automate running of all different benchmarks.
1 bug fixes
Improved example to include an aliased method testcase.
1.0.7 / 2002-09-22¶ ↑
1 minor enhancements
Only compiles the generated code if it was different from the previous version.
1 bug fixes
Improved security: Checks group and global write on home directory.
1.0.6 / 2002-09-18¶ ↑
1 minor enhancements
Added a prelude argument for header and datatype declarations.
3 bug fixes
Only output stuff if invoked verbose (ie ‘ruby -v ./example.rb’).
Added some compatibility code for windows.
Declared requirement on POSIX system.
1.0.5 / 2002-09-11¶ ↑
2 bug fixes
Improved security model for UNIX. Still not sure about windoze.
Fixed History.txt to be accurate, gave example in README.
1.0.4 / 2002-09-10¶ ↑
1 major enhancements
Released to sourceforge!
1 bug fixes
A number of very minor bug fixes from IRC sessions w/ others.
1.0.0 / 2002-09-05¶ ↑
1 major enhancements