class UPnP::SOAPRegistry

UPnP relies on the client to do type conversions. This registry casts the SOAPString returned by the service into the real SOAP type so soap4r can make the conversion.

Public Instance Methods

soap2obj(node, klass = nil) click to toggle source

If node is a simple type, cast it to the real type from the registered definition and super, otherwise just let EncodedRegistry do the work.

# File lib/UPnP/soap_registry.rb, line 16
def soap2obj(node, klass = nil)
  case node
  when XSD::XSDAnySimpleType then
    definition = find_node_definition node

    return super if definition.nil?

    new_class = definition.class_for
    new_node =

    return super(new_node, klass)
  when SOAP::SOAPStruct then
    return '' if node.members.empty?
