ActionMailer::ARSendmail delivers email from the email table to the SMTP server configured in your application's config/environment.rb. ar_sendmail does not work with sendmail delivery.
ar_mailer can deliver to SMTP with TLS using the smtp_tls gem Set the :tls option in ActionMailer::Base’s #smtp_settings to true to enable TLS.
See ar_sendmail -h for the full list of supported options.
The interesting options are:
Maximum number of times authentication will be consecutively retried
The version of ActionMailer::ARSendmail you are running.
Email delivery attempts per run
Seconds to delay between runs
ActiveRecord class that holds emails
Times authentication has failed
Maximum age of emails in seconds before they are removed from the queue.
True if only one delivery attempt will be made per call to run
Be verbose
Checks and writes pid_file
, aborting if it already exists or
this process loses the pid-writing race.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 103 def self.check_pid(pid_file) if File.exist? pid_file then abort "pid file exists at #{pid_file}, exiting" else open pid_file, 'w', 0644 do |io| io.write $$ end written_pid = pid_file if written_pid.to_i != $$ then abort "pid #{written_pid} from #{pid_file} doesn't match $$ #{$$}, exiting" end end end
Creates a new migration using table_name
and prints it on
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 122 def self.create_migration(table_name) require 'active_support' puts "class Add#{table_name.classify} < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :#{table_name.tableize} do |t| t.column :from, :string t.column :to, :string t.column :last_send_attempt, :integer, :default => 0 t.column :mail, :text t.column :created_on, :datetime end end def self.down drop_table :#{table_name.tableize} end end " end
Creates a new model using table_name
and prints it on stdout.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 146 def self.create_model(table_name) require 'active_support' puts "class #{table_name.classify} < ActiveRecord::Base end " end
Prints a list of unsent emails and the last delivery attempt, if any.
If ActiveRecord::Timestamp is not being used the arrival time will not be known. See to learn how to enable ActiveRecord::Timestamp.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 161 def self.mailq(table_name) klass = table_name.split('::').inject(Object) { |k,n| k.const_get n } emails = klass.find :all if emails.empty? then puts "Mail queue is empty" return end total_size = 0 puts "-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------" emails.each do |email| size = email.mail.length total_size += size create_timestamp = email.created_on rescue email.created_at rescue rescue # for Robot Co-op nil created = if create_timestamp.nil? then ' Unknown' else create_timestamp.strftime '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S' end puts "%10d %8d %s %s" % [, size, created, email.from] if email.last_send_attempt > 0 then last_send_attempt = email.last_send_attempt puts "Last send attempt: #{last_send_attempt.asctime}" end puts " #{}" puts end puts "-- #{total_size/1024} Kbytes in #{emails.length} Requests." end
Creates a new ARSendmail.
Valid options are:
Maximum number of emails to send per delay
Delay between deliver attempts
Table name that stores the emails
Only attempt to deliver emails once when run is called
Be verbose.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 430 def initialize(options = {}) options[:Delay] ||= 60 options[:TableName] ||= 'Email' options[:MaxAge] ||= 86400 * 7 @batch_size = options[:BatchSize] @delay = options[:Delay] @email_class = Object.path2class options[:TableName] @once = options[:Once] @verbose = options[:Verbose] @max_age = options[:MaxAge] @failed_auth_count = 0 end
Processes command line options in args
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 203 def self.process_args(args) name = File.basename $0 options = {} options[:Chdir] = '.' options[:Daemon] = false options[:Delay] = 60 options[:MaxAge] = 86400 * 7 options[:Once] = false options[:RailsEnv] = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] options[:TableName] = 'Email' op = do |opts| opts.program_name = name opts.version = VERSION opts.banner = "Usage: #{name} [options] #{name} scans the email table for new messages and sends them to the website's configured SMTP host. #{name} must be run from a Rails application's root or have it specified with --chdir. If #{name} is started with --pid-file, it will fail to start if the PID file already exists or the contents don't match it's PID. " opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Sendmail options:' opts.on("-b", "--batch-size BATCH_SIZE", "Maximum number of emails to send per delay", "Default: Deliver all available emails", Integer) do |batch_size| options[:BatchSize] = batch_size end opts.on( "--delay DELAY", "Delay between checks for new mail", "in the database", "Default: #{options[:Delay]}", Integer) do |delay| options[:Delay] = delay end opts.on( "--max-age MAX_AGE", "Maxmimum age for an email. After this", "it will be removed from the queue.", "Set to 0 to disable queue cleanup.", "Default: #{options[:MaxAge]} seconds", Integer) do |max_age| options[:MaxAge] = max_age end opts.on("-o", "--once", "Only check for new mail and deliver once", "Default: #{options[:Once]}") do |once| options[:Once] = once end opts.on("-p", "--pid-file [PATH]", "File to store the pid in.", "Defaults to /var/run/", "when no path is given") do |pid_file| pid_file ||= '/var/run/ar_sendmail/' pid_dir = File.dirname pid_file raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "directory #{pid_dir} does not exist" unless pid_dir options[:PidFile] = pid_file end opts.on("-d", "--daemonize", "Run as a daemon process", "Default: #{options[:Daemon]}") do |daemon| options[:Daemon] = true end opts.on( "--mailq", "Display a list of emails waiting to be sent") do |mailq| options[:MailQ] = true end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Setup Options:' opts.on( "--create-migration", "Prints a migration to add an Email table", "to stdout") do |create| options[:Migrate] = true end opts.on( "--create-model", "Prints a model for an Email ActiveRecord", "object to stdout") do |create| options[:Model] = true end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Generic Options:' opts.on("-c", "--chdir PATH", "Use PATH for the application path", "Default: #{options[:Chdir]}") do |path| usage opts, "#{path} is not a directory" unless path usage opts, "#{path} is not readable" unless File.readable? path options[:Chdir] = path end opts.on("-e", "--environment RAILS_ENV", "Set the RAILS_ENV constant", "Default: #{options[:RailsEnv]}") do |env| options[:RailsEnv] = env end opts.on("-t", "--table-name TABLE_NAME", "Name of table holding emails", "Used for both sendmail and", "migration creation", "Default: #{options[:TableName]}") do |table_name| options[:TableName] = table_name end opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Be verbose", "Default: #{options[:Verbose]}") do |verbose| options[:Verbose] = verbose end opts.on("-h", "--help", "You're looking at it") do usage opts end opts.separator '' end op.parse! args return options if options.include? :Migrate or options.include? :Model ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = options[:RailsEnv] Dir.chdir options[:Chdir] do begin require 'config/environment' rescue LoadError usage op, "#{name} must be run from a Rails application's root to deliver email. #{Dir.pwd} does not appear to be a Rails application root. " end end return options end
Processes args
and runs as appropriate
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 365 def = ARGV) options = process_args args if options.include? :Migrate then create_migration options[:TableName] exit elsif options.include? :Model then create_model options[:TableName] exit elsif options.include? :MailQ then mailq options[:TableName] exit end if options[:Daemon] then require 'webrick/server' ActiveRecord::Base.clear_all_connections! WEBrick::Daemon.start end sendmail = new options check_pid options[:PidFile] if options.key? :PidFile begin ensure File.unlink options[:PidFile] if options.key? :PidFile and $PID ==[:PidFile]).to_i end rescue SystemExit raise rescue SignalException exit rescue Exception => e $stderr.puts "Unhandled exception #{e.message}(#{e.class}):" $stderr.puts "\t#{e.backtrace.join "\n\t"}" exit 1 end
Prints a usage message to $stderr using opts
and exits
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 409 def self.usage(opts, message = nil) $stderr.puts opts if message then $stderr.puts $stderr.puts message end exit 1 end
Removes emails that have lived in the queue for too long. If #max_age is set to 0, no emails will be removed.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 449 def cleanup return if @max_age == 0 timeout = - @max_age conditions = ['last_send_attempt > 0 and created_on < ?', timeout] mail = @email_class.destroy_all conditions log "expired #{mail.length} emails from the queue" end
Delivers emails
to ActionMailer’s SMTP server and destroys
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 461 def deliver(emails) user = smtp_settings[:user] || smtp_settings[:user_name] server = smtp_settings[:address], smtp_settings[:port] server.start smtp_settings[:domain], user, smtp_settings[:password], smtp_settings[:authentication] do |smtp| if smtp_settings[:tls] then raise 'gem install smtp_tls for 1.8.6' unless server.respond_to? :starttls smtp.enable_starttls end @failed_auth_count = 0 until emails.empty? do email = emails.shift begin res = smtp.send_message email.mail, email.from, email.destroy log "sent email %011d from %s to %s: %p" % [, email.from,, res] rescue Net::SMTPFatalError => e log "5xx error sending email %d, removing from queue: %p(%s):\n\t%s" % [, e.message, e.class, e.backtrace.join("\n\t")] email.destroy smtp.reset rescue Net::SMTPServerBusy => e log "server too busy, sleeping #{@delay} seconds" sleep delay return rescue Net::SMTPUnknownError, Net::SMTPSyntaxError, TimeoutError => e email.last_send_attempt = rescue nil log "error sending email %d: %p(%s):\n\t%s" % [, e.message, e.class, e.backtrace.join("\n\t")] raise e if TimeoutError === e smtp.reset end end end rescue Net::SMTPAuthenticationError => e @failed_auth_count += 1 if @failed_auth_count >= MAX_AUTH_FAILURES then log "authentication error, giving up: #{e.message}" raise e else log "authentication error, retrying: #{e.message}" end sleep delay rescue Net::SMTPServerBusy, SystemCallError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError # ignore SMTPServerBusy/EPIPE/ECONNRESET from Net::SMTP.start's ensure rescue TimeoutError # terminate our connection since Net::SMTP may be in a bogus state. sleep delay end
Prepares ar_sendmail for exiting
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 519 def do_exit log "caught signal, shutting down" exit end
Returns emails in #email_class that haven’t had a delivery attempt in the last 300 seconds.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 528 def find_emails options = { :conditions => ['last_send_attempt < ?', - 300] } options[:limit] = batch_size unless batch_size.nil? mail = @email_class.find :all, options log "found #{mail.length} emails to send" mail end
Installs signal handlers to gracefully exit.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 540 def install_signal_handlers trap 'TERM' do do_exit end trap 'INT' do do_exit end end
Logs message
if verbose
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 548 def log(message) $stderr.puts message if @verbose "ar_sendmail: #{message}" end
Scans for emails and delivers them every delay seconds. Only returns if once is true.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 557 def run install_signal_handlers loop do now = begin cleanup deliver find_emails rescue ActiveRecord::Transactions::TransactionError end break if @once sleep @delay if now + @delay > end end
Proxy to ActionMailer::Base::smtp_settings. See for instructions on how to configure ActionMailer’s SMTP server.
Falls back to ::server_settings if ::smtp_settings doesn’t exist for backwards compatibility.
# File lib/action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb, line 580 def smtp_settings ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings rescue ActionMailer::Base.server_settings end