Rake 0.9.0 Released

Rake version 0.9.0 has a number of bug fixes and enhancments (see below for more details). Additionally, the internals have be slightly restructured and improved.


New Features / Enhancements / Bug Fixes in Version 0.9.0

What is Rake

Rake is a build tool similar to the make program in many ways. But instead of cryptic make recipes, Rake uses standard Ruby code to declare tasks and dependencies. You have the full power of a modern scripting language built right into your build tool.


The easiest way to get and install rake is via RubyGems …

gem install rake    (you may need root/admin privileges)

Otherwise, you can get it from the more traditional places:

Home Page







As usual, it was input from users that drove a alot of these changes. The following people either contributed patches, made suggestions or made otherwise helpful comments. Thanks to …

Also, bit thanks to Eric Hodel for assisting with getting this release out the door (where “assisting” includes, but is not by any means limited to, “pushing” me to get it done).

– Jim Weirich