module Hoe::RDoc_tags

The RDoc tags plugin for Hoe uses the standard names tags, retag and clobber_tags from RDoc::TagsTask. The plugin also integrates with the clobber and newb tasks Hoe provides to add automatic cleanup.

The tags task automatically builds tags using all files in your specification's require paths (defaults to the lib directory).

When the newb task is run the plugin will automatically build a TAGS file.

When the clobber task is run the plugin will automatically remove the TAGS file.

The plugin defaults to generating vim-style tags. You can override this by setting a value for 'tags_style' in ~/.hoerc. Be sure to check rdoc --help for valid values.

Public Instance Methods

define_rdoc_tags_tasks() click to toggle source

Defines tasks for building and removing TAGS files that integrate with Hoe.

# File lib/hoe/rdoc_tags.rb, line 26
def define_rdoc_tags_tasks
  ctags_merge = false
  ctags_path  = nil

  with_config do |config, _|
    tag_style   = config['tag_style']
    ctags_merge = config['ctags_merge'] if config.key? 'ctags_merge'
    ctags_path  = config['ctags_path']

  tag_style ||= 'vim' do |rd|
    rd.files += spec.require_paths

    rd.tag_style   = tag_style
    rd.ctags_merge = ctags_merge
    rd.ctags_path  = ctags_path

  task :clobber => :clobber_tags
  task :newb    => :tags