Core Variables¶ ↑
- repository
REQUIRED: Repository path: e.g.
- deploy_to
REQUIRED: Deploy path on target machines. e.g. /var/www/app
- domain
REQUIRED: Used for the common case of a single target server. e.g.
- current_path
The full path on the remote host that will be symlinked as 'current'. Defaults to “#{deploy_to}/current”.
- current_release
The full path to the current release's actual location. Defaults to “#{releases_path}/#{releases.last}”.
- deploy_timestamped
Create timestamped release directories instead of using revision numbers. Defaults to true.
- deploy_via
Which SCM command should be used when deploying the app. Defaults to “export”.
- latest_release
The most recent release, which may not yet have been symlinked. Defaults to release_path.
- migrate_args
Set this to change the RAILS_ENV that 'rake db:migrate' will run under. Defaults to “”.
- migrate_target
Set this if you need to specify a particular migration 'VERSION' number. Defaults to “latest”.
- rails_env
Specifies the RAILS_ENV environment variable that will be used. Defaults to “production”.
- rake_cmd
Set this if you need to specify an alternate path to 'rake'. Defaults to “rake”.
- release_name
Name of the release directory, if deploy_timestamped is true. Defaults to timestamp: “YYYYMMDDHHMMSS”.
- release_path
Path to this release, which may not have been created yet. Defaults to “#{releases_path}/#{release_name}”.
- releases
An array of all existing releases, oldest first. Defaults to latest release directory name.
- releases_path
Full path to the 'releases' directory on the remote host. Defaults to “#{deploy_to}/releases”.
- revision
Revision to use for release. Defaults to 'head'.
- rsync_cmd
Path to rsync command. Defaults to “rsync”.
- rsync_flags
Flags for rsync. Defaults to ['-azP', '–delete'].
- scm_path
Path on the remote host that will be used as 'working space' for SCM tasks. Defaults to “#{deploy_to}/scm”.
- shared_path
Full path to remote 'shared' directory, symlinked into your app by default. Defaults to “#{deploy_to}/shared”.
- ssh_cmd
Path to ssh. Defaults to “ssh”.
- ssh_flags
Flags for ssh. Defaults to [].
- sudo_cmd
Path to sudo command. Defaults to “sudo”.
- sudo_flags
Flags for sudo. Defaults to [“-p Password:”].
- sudo_prompt
Regexp for sudo password prompt. Defaults to /^Password:/.
- sudo_password
Asks for password when referenced.
- umask
Sets your umask value. Defaults to “02”.
Apache Web Variables:¶ ↑
- web_command
Command to execute when controlling the web server. Defaults to “apachectl”.
Subversion SCM Variables:¶ ↑
- source
A subversion SCM worker instance.
- svn_cmd
The subversion command to use. Defaults to “svn”