class Graphics::AbstractSimulation

An abstract simulation. See Graphics::Simulation and Graphics::Drawing.



The default color to clear the window.


degrees to radians


The default font color for ‘debug` calls.


The default font. Menlo on OS X, Deja Vu Sans Mono on linux.


Call log every N ticks, if log is defined.


radians to degrees


Flags to be used when initializing a window. Defaults to 0. See SDL doco for more.



Collection of collections of Bodies to auto-update and draw.


A hash of color names to their values.


Is the application done?


The current font for rendering text.


The window height.


Number of update iterations per drawing tick.


Procs registered to handle key events.


Procs registered to handle keydown events.


Pause the simulation.


The renderer (software or hardware backed) the simulation is drawing in.


The window width.

Public Class Methods

new(w = nil, h = nil, name =, full = false) click to toggle source

Create a new simulation of a certain width and height. Optionally, you can set the bits per pixel (0 for current screen settings), the name of the window, and whether or not to run in full screen mode.

This also names a bunch colors and hues for convenience.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 119
def initialize w = nil, h = nil, name =, full = false
  w ||= SDL::Screen::W/2
  h ||= SDL::Screen::H/2

  full = full ? SDL::FULLSCREEN : 0

  self._bodies = []

  self.font = find_font(DEFAULT_FONT, 32)

  name ||= "Unknown"
  name = name.gsub(/[A-Z]/, ' \0').strip

  self.renderer = w, h, 32, self.class::SCREEN_FLAGS|full
  self.w, self.h = w, h

  renderer.title = name

  self.color = {}
  self.paused = false

  self.iter_per_tick = 1

  self.key_handler = []
  self.keydown_handler = {}


  clear # so you start with the right color blank window on frame 0

Public Instance Methods

add_key_handler(k, remove = nil, &b) click to toggle source

Register a block to run for a particular key-press. This allows you to register multiple blocks for the same key and also to handle multiple keys down at the same time.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 347
def add_key_handler k, remove = nil, &b
  k = SDL::Key.const_get k
  key_handler.delete_if { |a, _| k==a } if remove
  key_handler.unshift [k, b]
add_keydown_handler(k, &b) click to toggle source

Register a block to run for a particular keydown event. This is a single key handler per tick and only on a key-down event.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 357
def add_keydown_handler k, &b
  keydown_handler[k] = b
angle(x1, y1, a, m, c) click to toggle source

Draw a line from x1/y1 to a particular magnitude and angle in color c.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 509
def angle x1, y1, a, m, c
  x2, y2 = project x1, y1, a, m
  line x1, y1, x2, y2, c
audio(path) click to toggle source

Load an audio file at path

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 638
def audio path
  SDL::Audio.load path
bezier(*points, c) click to toggle source

Draw an antialiased curve from x1/y1 to x2/y2 via control points cx1/cy1 & cx2/cy2 in color c.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 572
def bezier *points, c
  h = self.h-1

  # TODO: there is probably a cleaner way... or move entirely into C
  xs, ys = points.each_slice(2).to_a.transpose! { |y| h-y }

  renderer.draw_bezier xs, ys, 5, color[c]
blit(src, x, y, a° = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil) click to toggle source

Draw a bitmap centered at x/y with optional angle, x/y scale, and flags.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 661
def blit src, x, y,  = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil
  renderer.blit src, x-src.w/2, h-y-src.h/2, , xscale, yscale, :center
circle(x, y, r, c, fill = false, aa = true) click to toggle source

Draw a circle at x/y with radius r in color c.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 555
def circle x, y, r, c, fill = false, aa = true
  y = h-y-1
  renderer.draw_circle x, y, r, color[c], aa, fill
clear(c = self.class::CLEAR_COLOR) click to toggle source

Clear the whole window. Defaults to CLEAR_COLOR.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 461
def clear c = self.class::CLEAR_COLOR
  cc = color[c]
  if cc then
    renderer.clear cc
    warn "Color #{c} doesn't appear to be registered. Skipping clear."
debug(fmt, *args) click to toggle source

Print out some extra debugging information underneath the fps line (if any).

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 610
def debug fmt, *args
  s = fmt % args
  text s, 10, h-40-font.height, self.class::DEBUG_COLOR
draw(n) click to toggle source

Draw the scene by clearing the window and drawing all registered bodies. You are free to completely override this or call super and add any extras at the end.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 411
def draw n
  pre_draw n
  post_draw n
draw_collection(ary) click to toggle source

Draw a homogeneous collection of bodies. This assumes that the MVC pattern described on this class is being used.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 437
def draw_collection ary
  return if ary.empty?

  cls = ary.first.class.const_get :View

  ary.each do |obj|
    cls.draw self, obj
ellipse(x, y, w, h, c, fill = false, aa = true) click to toggle source

Draw a circle at x/y with radiuses w/h in color c.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 563
def ellipse x, y, w, h, c, fill = false, aa = true
  y = self.h-y-1
  renderer.draw_ellipse x, y, w, h, color[c], aa, fill
fast_rect(x, y, w, h, c) click to toggle source

Draw a rect at x/y with w by h dimensions in color c. Ignores blending.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 517
def fast_rect x, y, w, h, c
  y = self.h-y-h # TODO: -1???
  renderer.fast_rect x, y, w, h, color[c]
find_font(name, size = 16) click to toggle source

Find and open a (TTF) font. Should be as system agnostic as possible.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 212
def find_font name, size = 16
  font = Dir["#{FONT_GLOB}/#{name}.{ttc,ttf}"].first

  raise ArgumentError, "Can't find font named '#{name}'" unless font, size)
fps(n, color = :green) click to toggle source

Draw the current frames-per-second in the top left corner. Defaults to green.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 620
def fps n, color = :green
  secs = - start_time
  fps = "%5.1f fps" % [n / secs]
  text fps, 10, h-font.height, color
from_hsl(h, s, l) click to toggle source

Convert HSL to RGB.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 262
def from_hsl h, s, l # 0..360, 0..1, 0..1
  raise ArgumentError, "%f, %f, %f out of range" % [h, s, v] unless
    h.between?(0, 360) && s.between?(0, 1) && l.between?(0, 1)

  c  = (1 - (2*l - 1).abs) * s
  h2 = h / 60.0
  x  = c * (1 - (h2 % 2 - 1).abs)
  m  = l - c/2

  r, g, b = case
            when 0 <= h2 && h2 < 1 then [c+m, x+m, 0+m]
            when 1 <= h2 && h2 < 2 then [x+m, c+m, 0+m]
            when 2 <= h2 && h2 < 3 then [0+m, c+m, x+m]
            when 3 <= h2 && h2 < 4 then [0+m, x+m, c+m]
            when 4 <= h2 && h2 < 5 then [x+m, 0+m, c+m]
            when 5 <= h2 && h2 < 6 then [c+m, 0+m, x+m]
              raise [h, s, v, h2, x, m].inspect

  [(r*255).round, (g*255).round, (b*255).round]
from_hsv(h, s, v) click to toggle source

Convert HSV to RGB.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 290
def from_hsv h, s, v # 0..360, 0..1, 0..1
  raise ArgumentError, "%f, %f, %f out of range" % [h, s, v] unless
    h.between?(0, 360) && s.between?(0, 1) && v.between?(0, 1)

  c  = v * s
  h2 = h / 60.0
  x  = c * (1 - (h2 % 2 - 1).abs)
  m  = v - c

  r, g, b = case
            when 0 <= h2 && h2 < 1 then [c+m, x+m, 0+m]
            when 1 <= h2 && h2 < 2 then [x+m, c+m, 0+m]
            when 2 <= h2 && h2 < 3 then [0+m, c+m, x+m]
            when 3 <= h2 && h2 < 4 then [0+m, x+m, c+m]
            when 4 <= h2 && h2 < 5 then [x+m, 0+m, c+m]
            when 5 <= h2 && h2 < 6 then [c+m, 0+m, x+m]
              raise [h, s, v, h2, x, m].inspect

  [(r*255).round, (g*255).round, (b*255).round]
handle_event(event, n) click to toggle source

Handle an event. By default only handles the Quit event. Override if you want to add more handlers. Be sure to call super or you won’t be able to quit.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 331
def handle_event event, n
  case event
  when SDL::Event::Quit then
  when SDL::Event::Keydown then
    c = event.sym.chr rescue nil
    b = keydown_handler[c]
    b[self] if b
handle_keys() click to toggle source

Handle key events by looking through key_handler and running any blocks that match the key(s) being pressed.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 365
def handle_keys
  key_handler.each do |k, blk|
    blk[self] if k
hline(y, c, x1 = 0, x2 = w) click to toggle source

Draw a horizontal line from x1 to x2 at y in color c.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 481
def hline y, c, x1 = 0, x2 = w
  line x1, y, x2, y, c
image(path) click to toggle source

Load an image at path into a new surface.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 631
def image path
  SDL::Surface.load path
initialize_keys() click to toggle source

Register default key events. Handles ESC & Q (quit) and P (pause).

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 155
def initialize_keys
  add_keydown_handler("\e") { self.done = true }
  add_keydown_handler("q")  { self.done = true }
  add_keydown_handler("p")  { self.paused = !paused }
  add_keydown_handler("/")  { self.iter_per_tick += 1 }
  add_keydown_handler("-")  { self.iter_per_tick -= 1; self.iter_per_tick = 1  if iter_per_tick < 1 }
line(x1, y1, x2, y2, c, aa = true) click to toggle source

Draw an antialiased line from x1/y1 to x2/y2 in color c.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 473
def line x1, y1, x2, y2, c, aa = true
  h = self.h
  renderer.draw_line x1, h-y1-1, x2, h-y2-1, color[c], aa
mouse() click to toggle source

Return the current mouse state: x, y, buttons.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 652
def mouse
  r = SDL::Mouse.state
  r[1] = h-r[1]
open_mixer(channels = 1) click to toggle source

Open the audio mixer with a number of channels open.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 645
def open_mixer channels = 1 channels
point(x, y, c = nil) click to toggle source

Read or write a color to x/y. If c is given, write, otherwise read.

Reading is pretty slow. Try to avoid.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 527
def point x, y, c = nil
  if c then
    renderer[x, h-y-1] = color[c]
    renderer[x, h-y-1]
polygon(points, c) click to toggle source

Draw a closed form polygon from an array of points in a particular color.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 496
def polygon points, c
  return unless points.size > 1

  points << points.first

  xs, ys = points.transpose

  renderer.draw_polygon xs, { |y| h-y-1 }, color[c], :aa
populate(klass, n = klass::COUNT) { |o| ... } click to toggle source

Return an array populated by instances of klass. You can specify how many to create here or it will access klass::COUNT as the default.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 318
def populate klass, n = klass::COUNT {
    o = self
    yield o if block_given?
post_draw(n) click to toggle source

The post-draw phase. Defaults to having all bodies draw themselves.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 427
def post_draw n
  _bodies.each do |ary|
    draw_collection ary
pre_draw(n) click to toggle source

The pre-draw phase. Defaults to clearing.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 419
def pre_draw n
project(x1, y1, a, m) click to toggle source

Calculate the x/y coordinate offset from x1/y1 with an angle and a magnitude.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 539
def project x1, y1, a, m
  rad = a * D2R
  [x1 + Math.cos(rad) * m, y1 + Math.sin(rad) * m]
put(src, x, y, a° = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil) click to toggle source

Draw a bitmap at x/y with optional angle, x/y scale, and flags.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 668
def put src, x, y,  = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil
  renderer.blit src, x, h-y-src.h, , xscale, yscale, false
rect(x, y, w, h, c, fill = false) click to toggle source

Draw a rect at x/y with w by h dimensions in color c.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 547
def rect x, y, w, h, c, fill = false
  y = self.h-y-h # TODO: -1???
  renderer.draw_rect x, y, w, h, color[c], fill
register_bodies(ary) click to toggle source

Register a collection of bodies to be auto-updated and drawn.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 223
def register_bodies ary
  _bodies << ary
register_body(obj) click to toggle source

Register a single Body to be auto-updated and drawn.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 231
def register_body obj
  register_bodies Array(obj)
register_color(name, r, g, b, a = 255) click to toggle source

Name a color w/ rgba values.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 239
def register_color name, r, g, b, a = 255
  color[name] = renderer.format.map_rgba r, g, b, a
register_hsla(n, h, s, l, a = 1.0) click to toggle source

Name a color w/ HSL values.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 246
def register_hsla n, h, s, l, a = 1.0
  register_color n, *from_hsl(h, s, l), (a*255).round
register_hsva(n, h, s, v, a = 1.0) click to toggle source

Name a color w/ HSV values.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 253
def register_hsva n, h, s, v, a = 1.0
  register_color n, *from_hsv(h, s, v), (a*255).round
render_text(s, c, f = font) click to toggle source

Return the rendered text s in color c in font f.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 594
def render_text s, c, f = font
  f.render renderer, s, color[c]
run() click to toggle source

Run the simulation. This handles all events by polling and scanning for key presses (multiple keys at once are possible).

On each tick, call update, then draw the scene.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 378
def run
  self.start_time =
  n = 0
  event = nil
  self.done = false

  logger = respond_to? :log
  log_interval = self.class::LOG_INTERVAL

  loop do
    handle_event event, n while event = SDL::Event.poll

    break if done
    next  if paused

    iter_per_tick.times { update n; n += 1 }
    draw_and_flip n

    log if logger and n % log_interval == 0
save(path) click to toggle source

Save the current window to a png.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 675
def save path path
sprite(w, h) { || ... } click to toggle source

Create a new renderer with a given width and height and yield to a block for drawing. The resulting surface is returned.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 683
def sprite w, h
  old_renderer   = renderer
  new_renderer   = renderer.sprite w, h
  old_w, old_h   = renderer.w, renderer.h
  self.w, self.h = w, h
  self.renderer  = new_renderer

  yield if block_given?

  self.renderer  = old_renderer
  self.w, self.h = old_w, old_h
text(s, x, y, c, f = font) click to toggle source

Draw text s at x/y in color c in font f.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 601
def text s, x, y, c, f = font
  y = self.h-y-f.height-1
  f.draw renderer, s, x, y, color[c]
text_size(s, f = font) click to toggle source

Return the w/h of the text s in font f.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 587
def text_size s, f = font
  f.text_size s.to_s
update(n) click to toggle source

Update the simulation by telling all registered bodies to update. You are free to completely override this or call super and add any extras at the end.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 452
def update n
  _bodies.each do |ary|
vline(x, c, y1 = h-1, y2 = 0) click to toggle source

Draw a vertical line from y1 to y2 at y in color c.

# File lib/graphics/simulation.rb, line 488
def vline x, c, y1 = h-1, y2 = 0
  line x, y1, x, y2, c