ZenProfiler provides a faster version of the standard library ruby profiler. It is otherwise pretty much the same as before.
Invoke it via:
% zenprofile misc/factorial.rb
% ruby -rzenprofile misc/factorial.rb
# File lib/zenprofiler.rb, line 41 def self.percent_time_threshold @@percent_time_threshold end
# File lib/zenprofiler.rb, line 45 def self.percent_time_threshold=(percent_time_threshold) @@percent_time_threshold = percent_time_threshold end
# File lib/zenprofiler.rb, line 49 def self.print_profile(f, opts = {}) stop_hook @@total = Time.now.to_f - @@start @@total = 0.01 if @@total == 0 @@total2 = Process.times[0] - @@start2 @@map["#toplevel"][1] = @@total data = @@map.values.sort_by { |vals| -vals[2] } sum = 0 f.puts "Total time = %f" % @@total f.puts "Total time = %f" % @@total2 f.puts f.puts " total self self total" f.puts "% time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name" @@total = data.inject(0) { |acc, (_, _, self_ms, _)| acc + self_ms } data.each do |calls, total_ms, self_ms, name| percent_time = self_ms / @@total * 100.0 next if percent_time < @@percent_time_threshold sum += self_ms klass = name.first meth = name.last.to_s signature = if klass.nil? meth elsif klass.kind_of?(Module) klassname = klass.name rescue klass.to_s.sub(%r#<\S+:(\S+)>/, '\1') "#{klassname}##{meth}" else "#{klass}##{meth}" end f.printf "%6.2f ", percent_time f.printf "%8.2f ", sum f.printf "%8.2f ", self_ms f.printf "%8d ", calls f.printf "%8.2f ", (self_ms * 1000.0 / calls) f.printf "%8.2f ", (total_ms * 1000.0 / calls) f.printf "%s", signature f.puts end end
# File lib/zenprofiler.rb, line 98 def self.process event, obj, method, klass case event when CALL, CCALL now = Process.times[0] @@stack.push [now, 0.0] when RETURN, CRETURN klass = klass.name rescue return key = [klass, method] if tick = @@stack.pop now = Process.times[0] data = @@map[key] data[0] += 1 cost = now - tick[0] data[1] += cost data[2] += cost - tick[1] @@stack[-1][1] += cost if @@stack[-1] end end end
# File lib/zenprofiler.rb, line 28 def self.run(fp = $stdout, opts = {}) at_exit { ZenProfiler::print_profile fp, opts } ZenProfiler::start_hook end
# File lib/zenprofiler.rb, line 35 def self.start_hook @@start ||= Time.now.to_f @@start2 ||= Process.times[0] super end